Thursday, April 10, 2008

Writing Challenge (BTT)

Pick up the nearest book. (I’m sure you must have one nearby.) Modern Biology--Teacher Edition

Turn to page 123.

What is the first sentence on the page? Figure 6-11 above illustrates how the light reactions in the thylakoid and the Calvin cycle in the stroma actually work together as one continuous cycle--photosynthesis.

The last sentence on the page? But the Calvin Cycle usually proceeds during daytime, when the light reactions are producing the materials that the Calvin cycle uses t0 fix carbon into organic compounds.

Now . . . connect them together….(And no, you may not transcribe the entire page of the book–that’s cheating!)

Figure 6-11 above illustrates how the light reactions in the thylakoid and the Calvin cycle in the stroma actually work together as one continuous cycle--photosynthesis. Through a series of complicated reactions occuring in the chloroplast carbon dioxide and water utilize the energy in sunlight to produce glucose giving off oxygen as a waste product. But the Calvin Cycle usually proceeds during daytime, when the light reactions are producing the materials that the Calvin cycle uses to fix carbon into organic compounds.


Not my fault my biology book is sitting out and I'm planning lessons while I'm out with my stupid broken foot! :) Did anyone actually read that?


Lezlie said...

Hey, can I borrow that book? Ha-ha! I did actually read that. That's not to say, of course, that I understood it. :-)

Have a good day!

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

Great writing...yes a biology book. great stuff!!!

happy thrusday.

Juli said...

hee hee...i thought people would find this amusing!

Unknown said...

Ah, Biology makes my head spin! I read it, I swear!

Happy BTT!

Literary Feline said...

I love it! I had to share your response with my husband because I knew he'd get a kick out of it.

gautami tripathy said...

I did read that and recalled my senior school biology!

Here is my BTT post!

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