On March 4th I twisted my ankle and sheared off part of the bone on the top of my foot. Since then I've been home from work and on crutches. Tomorrow I go back to the orthopedic surgeon for my first check up. So in honor of my broken foot...
13 Things That Stink About Being On Crutches
- They leave bruises under your arms, on your sides
- They fall over... a lot
- Sometimes I fall over (LOL)
- They are awkward (just watch me trying to get them, then me, into my car)
- My animals are afraid of them
- I can't carry anything in my hands with them
- Turtles lap me (aka I'm slow)
- If someone moves them, I'm stuck
- Stairs become mountains
- I get stuck in swinging doors and have to wait for people to open them for me
- They are noisy
- I think the grips may be starting to smell funny (gross)
- They don't match my outfits!! jk
Good for you---a little humor to deal with the unpleasantness. Get well soon!
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your ankle. Maybe you'll now be stuck and have more time to read ;-)
At least you have a sense of humor about it! I have never been on crutches and god willing never will be. Hope you are off yours soon.
Sounds hideous! But like Jennifer said, at least you have a sense of humor about it. Take care and get well soon!
Oww, oww, OWW!
I broke my foot some years back and understand completely--especially about the stairs and the swinging doors!
Hope that you recover swiftly and can get rid of the crutches.
Like your blog--I'll be back!
crutches--necessary but oh so uncomfortable. I sympathize. Hope you get off them soon.
Thanks everyone for the kind words and "pick me up"! Saw Dr. today. Two MORE weeks off work and I have to add physical therapy three times a week.
I guess it leaves more time to read!
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